Lyrics: The Call of the Journeyman

2013 has been snooze time, so far. Breaking the lull, here is yet another comeback to the WordPress world.

Yours truly has been rather busy of late, doing little more precious than precious little. In the interim, your friendly blogger penned lyrics for a soon-to-be-composed number, for a band.

Stanza excerpts from the song are shared below.

Thundering whispers,                                                 
Echo of a silent breath.                                                          
Jungle reflects all,                                                      
A ripple across the breadth.                                       
Atop the earth’s throne,                                                          
A flyspeck of nothingness,                                                      
Liberated soul.                                                                       
‘Who am I?’, I ask,                                                     
Peeping within the abyss                                            
A place that is mine.                                                   
Of words that remain wordless,                                              
Of fun and of strife,                                                     
A journey is, after all,
Making peace with life.


Lift spirits. Not lyrics.



20 thoughts on “Lyrics: The Call of the Journeyman

    1. Eric! Thank you for the kind words.

      Been ages since I logged into WordPress. So much reading to catch up on.

      Hope you have been well. I see that your books are out? Fantastic achievement! Thrilled for you.

    1. Richard, since you are such a good penman yourself when it comes to verse, thought of sharing some details about the lyrics.

      I set it as a cross between the Tanka and Haiku forms. The first 4 lines progress as a Tanka would, the last 3 lines of each stanza end in a Haiku.

      1. Thank you! Flattery accepted!

        I’ve only very recently tried my hand at Haiku so I understand that concept. Tanka I’m not familiar with. 5/7/5/7?

        Such complexity seems daunting and restrictive. It’s a real challenge attempting to say what you want being thus constrained.

        It’s interesting for a poem or two. I seriously doubt I would ever attempt a lengthy song lyric this way. I’d probably end up tearing out what little hair I have left.

      2. Tanka is 5/7/5/7/7.

        Freestyle writing is easier, allowing the imagination to flow freely.

        It is challenging to write an entire story, operating within the bounds imposed by these forms. But it is real fun indeed.

        The entire song is 6 stanzas, 7 lines each, set in Tanka + Haiku.

        It was a thrill to create. What is life without some head scratching!

      3. When it comes to lyrics, I usually just go with basic meter and rhyme. Rhyming seems pretty necessary for a song.

        But hey, if it’s indeed “fun” for you, then you should enjoy yourself by all means. The results look very promising and I look forward to hearing the song.

    1. Lady M! Nicer to see your comment. Its been ages since I visited here, and even longer since I read your eminently readable musings.

      How have you been?

      1. If those are ramblings, then I hope you’ll keep them coming.

        I’m doing well, thank you. Caught up with writing (elsewhere), work and chilling, generally. Lack of inspiration too, is something I can assign blame on. 🙂

        Will hopefully pen some in the coming days.

      2. Diligence in posting is a wonderful trait to have. I have these bouts of periodic posting followed by periods of silence.

        I should learn from you.

        I hope to not disappoint you, on the writing bit! 🙂

        PS: Check email.

  1. Welcome back! That’s amazing – writing lyrics for a song. I am sure it requires a totally different kind of creativity and skill. Will look fwd to hearing it.

    1. Hello, Ankur! Yes, its been a while. Hope you’ve been well (how is the book doing?).

      Not sure when the song will be composed. Will keep you posted.

      1. Indeed. It has become a marketing game. I read somewhere the other day that there are more writers than readers today! Crazy, if true. Turns the game on its head.

      2. Could well be. Its like in the US there are more Mutual Funds (the guys who take the pain of separating good stocks from bad so that investors don’t need to) than traded stocks listed on NYSE and NASDAQ put together.

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