A Stellar Quarter: 7 Awards Of Recognition

This has taken some time coming. After residing in obscurity for a long time, Haphazard Linkages finally managed to link to fellow bloggers, rather haphazardly.

In true spirit of this blog’s preferred medium of satire, your friendly blogger assumes the role of a CEO proudly announcing a stellar quarterly performance.


Dear Patrons,

Your consistent patronage helped us notch 6 Versatile Blogger Awards and 1 7×7 Link Award during the quarter. We at Haphazard Linkages jubilantly place on record our heartfelt gratitude for your unflagging interest in our activities. Your continued investment in the form of eyeballs, though completely non-monetary, catapulted us to the most scintillating quarter ever, in our limited history.

It behooves us to expressly thank the following investors for their unfailing kindness in devoting precious moments to confer their recognition.

Cindy at http://onemindmanydetours.wordpress.com/  (Random detours on nearly everything. A true Haphazard character)

Eric at http://ericalaganfanclub.wordpress.com/ (An assorted collection of writings on life. We particularly enjoy reading about Mechanic Leigh, a fictitious character in 20th century Singapore)

Finn Holding at http://thenaturephile.com/ (A doting father’s nuanced musings on Wildlife and Nature. The photographs are exemplary and the prose, fantastic)

Megan at http://makesomethingmondays.wordpress.com/ (A highly creative individual who revels in the Art of Making Simple Things. A true DIY gem)

Mira Jay at http://divinerhythm.wordpress.com/ (A pitstop for soulful original poetry)

MrTinney at http://mrtinney.com/ (MrT is the spokesperson of the humourous)

Steph at http://lostupabove.wordpress.com/ (Steph is a diligent presenter of a delightful collection of rarely remembered verses. A treat to the mind)

For the benefit of current and prospective patrons, it seems appropriate to share (random) insights into our activities.

  1. Our activity is centered around disbursing humour by inverting the sandglass. While we may like the Status Quo, we think it is fun to invert, and in the process question several commonly held notions. Satire is our preferred tool for lambasting the ludicrous and edifying the unobvious. Some of our competitors (The Onion, The Daily Mash, to name a few) are far larger in size and enjoy wide readership. Our humble endeavour involves exploring topical issues, as opposed to satirising news (which is fun, too). We hope this will aid our long-term survival. We will never run advertisements on this rather dour looking website. Ever. We just write because we love writing.
  2. We are strongly committed to CSR activities and believe in doing our best for the endangered. Long English words, unfortunately, are fast usurping the pedestal historically reserved for living organisms. Sesquipedalian references will feature rather liberally as a result. We use words in written communication that we seldom (never) use in verbal exchanges.
  3. We have a quirk. British English. While we do not intend the slightest displeasure to our American patrons, we find it a difficult endeavour to endeavor using American English. But we are thoughtful. We include American spelling tags for easy navigation. This extends to Metric Systems. We prefer round numbers to cumbersome numbers (100 degrees Celsius is far easier for a child to remember compared to 212 degrees Fahrenheit)
  4. We gravitate to patrons (bloggers) who are very different from us. Birds of a feather might flock together but we like the scientific idea of unlike poles of a magnet attracting each other. This attraction, frequently, is one-sided but we live happily. Diversity is life.
  5. ‘We’ everywhere here is actually an ‘I’. We find it rather uncomfortable to write in first person. Another quirk.

Finally, we strongly encourage you to explore the following avenues for grins, learning, fun and versatility.

Versatile Blogger Award (in alphabetical order)

Ankur Mithal at http://darkofficehumour.wordpress.com/ (Ankur’s Dilbertesque blog is a humourous sojourn through everyday office travails)

Adult Satires at http://sociallytolerable.wordpress.com/ (Adult Satire’s on-your-face damnation of issues is amusing and very different from our style (which is why we like reading). Stop over but do not blame us if you find yourself offended)

Chris at Random Deviations http://randomdeviations.wordpress.com/ (a new-ish discovery we look forward to sampling. A disciple of randomness)

Eric at http://ericalaganfanclub.wordpress.com/ (a shoutout for Mechanic Leigh)

Finn Holding at http://thenaturephile.com/ (mentioned above. A thoroughly delightful read)

Frances at http://francescannotwrite.wordpress.com/ (Frances says she cannot write. We disagree. Do you?)

Mira Jay at http://divinerhythm.wordpress.com/ (mentioned above. Recommended read)

MrTinney at http://mrtinney.com/ (MrT is the spokesperson of the humourous and a favourite of ours)

Sharmishtha at http://magicthought.wordpress.com/ (Sharmishtha manages several blogs simultaneously. We enjoy her impish writings and poetry. Her fiction is a delectable read as well)

William Lawson at http://ciderpress.wordpress.com/ (explorer of intellectually inclined, insightful topics)

Before we sign off, we caution that past performance is no indicator of future performance.

Spread the word. Not AIDS (even though it has its uses).

Yours truly,



There is absolutely no obligation on those recommended to accept our munificence.  It is just our way of expressing gratitude for bringing smiles. Everyday!

PS: Apologies for the rather delayed response. Preoccupied with staying active and afloat in the extremely populated blogosphere, we weren’t in a position to flash a glossy Rolodex of blogs to recommend. We are getting there.

29 thoughts on “A Stellar Quarter: 7 Awards Of Recognition

  1. I was chuckling to your blog’s usual way of saying what you want to say… But faltered a bit in surprise when I saw my blog suggested among other recommended bloggers (whom I’ll check out)… Many thanks for the recognition!

  2. Seems it’s a flood of awards;well deserved
    & thanks for the introduction,recommendation&back nomination..
    By the way loved the part about British-American different spelling; I had once a problem teaching my nephew the 2ways of writing ‘travelled’ then I found myself stuck;unable to find a rule why American don’t double it’s ‘L’ sound, so i’ve created a joke of that to satisfy his curiousity saying: ‘looks like American are lazy to double some letters’…:)

    1. A repeat performance is well nigh unlikely.

      Too lazy to double some letters and eating others altogether. 😉

      Thank you for looking out.

  3. Congratulations on your 7 awards! Well done! And thank you so much for the nomination!
    I loved your post here; you were as articulate and sesquipedalian 😉 as always. Don’t ever change!

  4. You’ve turned sesquipadalia into an art form. Your blog is a wonderfully entertaining read. All awards richly deserved and may your linkages remain haphazard and your own musings as splendidly nuanced. Thankyou for the mention and the nomination, both are very much appreciated.

  5. Congratulations on your acquisition of six Versatile Blogger Awards and one 7X7 award for a total of seven awards! (yes, I can accurately perform grade school arithmetic and I’m quite proud!) Enjoyed reading your stellar quarterly report, but so glad that you are not really a Corporation because then I would have to mistrust and probably despise you for what you are, but I’m very happy that you are not, so I can enjoy your company here on WP.
    In other news, thanks for the assorted likes and comments on my posts, and extra thanks for following my blog. I’m sure I’ll enjoy my tour here as well.

    1. Much gratitude, Chris. Appreciate you taking the time to comment.

      Our feelings for Corporate-speak is mutual. I was fortunate to land on your blog and noticed that Ankur Mithal (@darkofficehumour) reads you. I’m a regular at Ankur’s blogs and that is good enough for me.

      I look forward to visiting over regularly.

  6. Why, thank you. It is an honour. And congratulations to you on recognition from peers, i.e. fellow bloggers. Probably the most genuine recognition; like in the case of science and research, where peer review is seen as the final stamp of approval. I will eagerly visit the Blogs recommended by you.

    1. I wish more people read your blog (which would also encourage you to blog regularly. Apologies for the ulterior motive!).

      As I gradually became a little more active on WP, my primary motivation was to connect to a small set of writers that I enjoyed reading. Progress is slow, as you can imagine, but these recommendations do help in stumbling upon interesting writers.

      I hope you shall continue writing regularly.

  7. Your acceptance message is unique, refreshing and adds a smile. Thank you for said kind words, and all good wishes go with your future endeavours, Eric 🙂

  8. loved the post, your writing style is really, really intriguing and anyone will be proud to have such expertise. 🙂

    will have to check out the blogs you have mentioned, i visit eric regularly.

      1. we can argue for it and none will win. you have taught me to add some humour to my anger against unsavoury happenings. 🙂

        visited the blogs you have listed here, they truly are fantastic.

    1. Thank you, Rachael!

      I notice that you have embarked on an alphabetical journey. Look forward to your usual brand of intelligent entertainment.

  9. Hal, though I refused the “Conformity” of this award I just want to say something…

    Stuff like this used to inflate my ego, but not anymore.

    I don’t like hollow people and and hollow comments. I don’t like flattery when it’s not genuine…

    But you have been genuine!

    Please, accept my thanks for this award though I will not follow the “Social etiquette ” thing…

    As said, it’s genuine people like you that keep me writng and thinking up more, though sometimes I feel quite like a blog whore…

    It’s people like you that breath life into me! It sure is nice to be heard and to feel free!

    You’ve done your best to promote me, but no one will ever understand, you see?

    Thank you Hal, love you to regardless of your looks or weight! 🙂

    1. It warmed my heart to read your message. I fully appreciate (and empathise with) your thoughts on the tug of societal norms.

      The mention wasn’t about promoting your blog (though I hope more people read your fantastic writing), or about subtly expecting anything in return. I just appreciate your writing and want you to realise that I shall remain a faithful reader.

      And, with those insurmountable obstacles (looks, weight) not being qualifying criteria, I can breathe easy! 😉

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